Stakeholder Engagement

People and organizations want to be heard and involved in projects that affect the places where they live, work, and recreate. Young Environmental understands that effective engagement and outreach efforts come from an intentional focus on how our clients want to improve project outcomes by involving others. 

With stakeholder engagement, we do the work. This starts at the beginning, investing time to ensure that the right people are at the table. We create a more inclusive stakeholder process by inviting those who will be impacted by the solution. This leads to outcomes that are more fully accepted by the community. We manage varied interests and lead productive discussions, whether the group dynamic is agreeable or challenging. 

Our strategy incorporates the Technology of Participation (ToP) participatory process to foster commitment, engagement, and full participation from all stakeholders. This method establishes buy-in early in the process and promotes participation and collective collaboration. By providing the opportunity to think creatively about issues while also getting to the heart of long-standing concerns, we help our clients identify targeted, catalytic actions to help address stakeholder doubts and questions. The definition of consensus may be fluid, but spending time in community creates give and take, which is important to finding a solution the stakeholders can accept.

Our unique agenda format and meeting style makes it easier for all personalities to get involved. To level the playing field, we help stakeholders prepare for the meeting in advance, giving them the tools to engage successfully and understand what they can expect from the discussion. For technical and non-technical participants, we will communicate in clear language to avoid confusion, misunderstandings, and bias.

Our stakeholder engagement services include:

  • Engagement and Outreach Plan Development

  • Stakeholder Mapping and Outreach

  • Meeting Facilitation

  • Conflict Management and Mediation

  • Stakeholder Concerns Review and Response

  • Data and Feedback Analysis