Cedar Lake and Lake Nokomis Water Quality Study

minneapolis park and recreation board &
barr engineering, Minneapolis, MN, 2022-present

Cedar Lake and Lake Nokomis are two Minneapolis lakes that are extremely popular with residents for swimming and boating in warm Minnesota months. These urban lakes can experience water quality issues caused by stormwater runoff and other contributors. In 2022, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) began a study to address blue algae blooms regularly occurring in the lakes, which were not only keeping the Board from reaching water quality goals but creating dangerous conditions for public users.

Strengths & Solutions
As a trusted partner, MPRB brought in Young Environmental to provide project management services as part of the study. Providing independent thought leadership on lake water management, we worked with the Board to help solicit firms with technical expertise, distribute a request for proposal (RFP), interview firms, and ultimately select a technical consultant to lead the lake studies and develop mitigation strategies. The MPRB and local residents preferred a non-chemical solution and we helped communicate methods and strategies to interested firms to find the best potential approach. The project will compile and analyze historical lake data and find in-lake and watershed strategies to address the issues.

Project Impact
The consultant partner, Barr Engineering, was selected and the study is currently underway. A concept-level design for improvements was completed in late 2022 and the MPRB will assess next steps for action. Young Environmental provided an independent review of the feasibility study that will ensure quality control of technical work and help restore the lakes to healthy and sustainable water quality levels that everyone can enjoy safely.

Project Management, Water Quality, Stormwater Management, Sustainable Lakes